HAI Group Blog

Insurance, Risk Management, and Professional Development Tips for the Affordable Housing Industry.

Building Inclusive Communities: Strategies for PHAs to Advance Equity

Public housing authorities (PHAs) have a legal obligation to take meaningful steps to address historic patterns of segregation, promote housing choice, eliminate disparities in housing access, and build inclusive communities. By developing policies, programs, and practices that promote equity, defined as “fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all,” PHAs can promote social justice, rectify historic disparities caused by discriminatory housing policies, build inclusive communities, and fulfill their obligation to affirmatively further fair housing.

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Navigating Elevator Safety: Compliance and Requirements in Residential Buildings

Elevators are a common feature in multistory public and affordable housing properties, offering convenience and accessibility to residents. From transporting groceries to aiding those with mobility restrictions, elevators have seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. 

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5 Things to Know: Navigating Service Animal vs. Pet Accommodations in Public Housing

Over the years, man’s best friend has transformed from a protector of livestock and household pets to a contributing member of society. As a service dog, canines of any size and breed take on critical responsibilities to ensure their owner is safe, such as identifying when their owner will have a seizure, or by getting the medicine they need to treat an illness.

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Compliance Essentials: Navigating Non-Rent Fees in Public and Affordable Housing

Property owners and managers face the challenge of interpreting and adhering to the regulations and guidelines established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Among these complexities lies the realm of non-rent fees in HUD-assisted properties. 

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PHA Protection: Addressing Liability Challenges in Housing Choice Voucher Management

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program remains a cornerstone in providing affordable housing options for low-income individuals and families in the United States, offering substantial benefits to tenants and landlords. Administered by public housing agencies (PHAs), these vouchers subsidize rental costs for eligible recipients, facilitating access to decent, safe, and sanitary housing within the private rental market.

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Q&A: Navigating the Landscape of Affordable Housing Finance and Development with Grow America's RHDFP Certification Program

For professionals in public and affordable housing, this is a time of both tremendous need and immense opportunity. Affordable rental housing is scarce, disrupting the availability of homes for workers and families across most demographics—ranging from recent graduates embarking on their careers to working families, low-income individuals, and those reliant on fixed incomes such as senior citizens, veterans, and individuals with disabilities.

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Navigating Commercial Insurance: A Guide for Public and Affordable Housing Agencies

Navigating the complex commercial insurance landscape can sometimes feel like deciphering hieroglyphics in a funhouse maze—confusing, daunting, and occasionally filled with unexpected twists and turns. However, for public and affordable housing providers, mastering the basics of insurance is akin to wielding a powerful shield against the whims of fate, ensuring the protection of vital assets and the continuity of essential services.

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