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Did you know that there are several things you can be doing right now to prepare for the winter months ahead?

Employee Training

Employees should be trained on proper snow removal techniques and be aware of your agency’s snow removal policy. Proper training not only reduces the likelihood of workers compensation claims but may also reduce slip, trip or fall claims on your properties. In the event that a slip, trip or fall claim does occur, having the proper snow removal documentation will aid in the defense of that claim.

To learn more about the training and snow removal resources available on HAI Group’s website please click here.

Property Maintenance

Employees should be taking the proper steps to prepare the properties for winter weather. These preparations should include winterizing units by blocking drafts around windows and doors, cleaning out rain gutters to prevent future ice dams once the snow falls. Heating systems should be tuned up, check and insulate water lines that run on exterior walls or in unheated interior areas, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should be checked and batteries replaced. For vacant units you must be mindful of frozen pipes and security issues, as vacant units may be used as shelter for those that want to get out of the cold.

To learn more about property preparations that should take place prior to the winter months available on HAI Group’s website please click here.

Resident Training

According to the National Fire Protection Association NFPA, half of all home heating fires occur in the months of December, January and February. Restricting your residents from using candles, space heaters and certain holiday decorations may help reduce your agency’s chance of fires. If you do plan on allowing these objects on your properties please remind your residents on how to properly use these hazardous items.

To learn more about resident training and sample flyers to be handed out to your residents that are available on HAI Group’s website please click here.

Thank you for your time and from the Risk Control and Consulting team at HAI Group we wish you all a safe winter season. If you have questions or need assistance please contact Elizabeth Owens at eowens@housingcenter.com or 1-800-873-0242 ext 228.