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Choose when to start, stop, or continue a course. And don’t worry if you missed something - re-watch any section as many times as you need to.

High angle shot of a young businesswoman working at her desk in the office
Have you ever found yourself in a room with an instructor, and inevitably at some point, you got distracted and missed something they said? Or, you were so focused on taking notes that they’ve moved onto the next topic, but you’re not ready?

When you train online, you have the power to set the pace. That means if at any point you need to take a break or have the instructor repeat something, simply press pause and rewind.

And, with constant demands in the workplace pulling you in every direction, it makes sense that the average worker is checking their email or instant messenger every six minutes, and 40% of workers say they never get more than 30 minutes straight of uninterrupted time during the workday. 1

With self-paced learning, you can:

  • Step away and not worry – We understand your schedule is hectic. Self-paced learning is designed knowing that your training may be interrupted. Whenever you can return, simply rewind to refresh yourself, or press play.
  • Avoid scheduling conflicts – Once you assign a course and set a completion date, the responsibility is on the employee to fit training into their schedule, avoiding the hassle of coordinating staff.
  • Support individual learning styles – Do you need to re-watch content multiple times? Or are you the type of person who can breeze through content the first go-around? No matter your learning style, self-paced training allows you to tailor your experience to your needs.

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Quick Assign

As a subscriber, with just a few clicks you can purchase, assign, and manage training programs for your entire organization. Pre-select courses for new hires or employees moving into new roles, and you’ll be able to ensure consistency and allow staff to absorb the material at their own speed.

“Our organization uses HTVN courses as part of our staff’s annual performance review. We set expectations for our staff to complete assigned courses, and by holding them accountable, it helps to create an environment where we instill the value of professional development. I try to implement one thing from each course to my job.”
Kevin Ryan Baldwin, Director of Operations and Compliance - Franklin Apartment Management, Ltd. (TX)

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1 This statistic is reported from a study by RescueTime.